Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Procrastination is THE DEVIL!!!!!

Hello Beloved,

I have been so neglectful of my blog. It started off being an attempt at trying to document the progress of me, my daughter's, my sister's, and my mama's natural hair growth (yes really all of us), but now it has just turned into a whole big blank space. Shame on Me!!!

This blog post will be a recap on rebuking procrastination.

So much happened last year. A special relationship I had with a long time friend, ended. I started a new relationship. I moved to Kentucky. My daughter turned three. God is so good and I know everything happens in seasons for a reason. One of the biggest lessons I've learned from last year is that procrastination is the DEVIL.

I truly believe that procrastination is the devil trying to keep us from achieving our full potential in life. In other words, its the devil trying to block our blessings.  One night I had a terrible nightmare about me procrastinating on getting to work and the end result was a true tragedy. I was so shaken by the dream that I woke up and had to make sure that wasnt my reality. After pinching myself, and rubbing my eyes, I realized that it was only a dream, or was it?

How many times in life had I already "missed my turn" at something because I decided to sleep in for 10 more minutes, or "hold off on sending in that paperwork"? I shared with my significant other, the realization that God sent to me about myself and my ways. He basically said "Tyne, I told you so"

The next day I woke up and punched the snooze button on my alarm as I do every morning, but this MORNING was different.

I closed my eyes and then immediately opened them, jumped out of bed, showered, got dressed, woke up my babygirl, got her dressed, and headed out the door! We had smooth sailing, and then "bam" a car speeding on the shoulder of the road, hit another car that was about to turn. I could see traffic was going to be backed up so I visually checked to see if someone had already called for help and once I saw that others were getting out to check on the accident, I switched lanes and proceeded to the daycare. Of course I prayed for those involved in the accident as well.

I got to work early that day and actually had to let my supervisor into our office because he left his key at home.

I thanked the Lord for waking me up that morning and getting me out the door. I reflected on it later and thought "Wow, If I wouldve gave into the spirit of procrastination, I would've been stuck in that backed up traffic from the accident or God forbid, part of the accident, Nailah would have missed breakfast at daycare,  i would have to stop to get her some, and then i'd be late to work, plus my supervisor would have been locked out of the office for at least an hour. What a domino effect! Praise God for waking me up, getting me on my feet and starting me on my way! I am so thankful!!

Long story, but necessary to share. Hey, somebody might be inspired!
